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Assuming you were in exactly the right place at exactly the right moment, it might be possible to prevent it. So if the entire universe follows a secret formula, then it should actually be possible to calculate it. Theoretically. Unfortunately, as is well known, nobody knows this formula and consequently you can basically save yourself the question. That's why my professional field seems to be quite secure for the time being.
Because one thing is very clear: there is always someone who throws the first stone.
"Who is she?"
I approach the lady stretched out on the pavement in front of me.
"According to the ID she carried with her, her name is Sarah Liliac... Kohling."
Sean Barres, my colleague, responses to me immediately.
"Mr. Kant, we found that back there, it must have belonged to the lady."
A security guard approaches me and hands me a smartphone in a plastic bag, with a Versace sticker on the back.
"Call me biased, but if she's not an Aradan, I'll eat my hat."
I give Barres a curt nod, not taking my eyes off the bag.
"I'd agree with you for once, Sean. But we'll be smarter once we've compared her data."
"Kohling means something to me, doesn't it?"
I frown.
"Yeah, I just can't place it at all right now."
I pull out my smartphone and look up the name in the Order-Management database.
"Sarah Liliac Kohling, née Wenger from Eurom, VEU. Kohling, Kohling", I continue to search, only for the surname, "Kohling Werner, is considered the founder of the dynasty, died ages ago, the current heir is Xavier Awesome Kohling , what an arrogant middle name. But still, he is the majority owner and therefore the main shareholder of Falano's largest passenger transport company, the 'Farlines'."
"Exactly, I knew the name sounded familiar. Was that his..."
"Wife, yes."
"She's lying here like a cold fish on dry land, in the middle of the pavement, no question, but I have to say that it's really amazing what is already possible in terms of anti-ageing today. I mean, look at her, he is one hundred and twenty years old, at least, so her age must be something in that order of magnitude too."
"And she wasn't his only wife either. According to his profile, there are twenty-three others. Apparently all of similar ages."
Sean's mouth drops open.
"So I'm doing something completely wrong."
"You have a boyfriend."
Sean shrugs.
"Despite it."
"Be content with him, at least it comes cheaper."
"You think so, yes?"
I pull out my little notebook and turn to the first blank page. Then I grab the pencil from my pocket and start a quick sketch to capture the scene as faithfully as possible for me.
Meanwhile, Barres is talking to the other law enforcement officers who have already cordoned off the entire street. I feel the look they give me. A detective with pen and paper, what does he want with it? Doesn't he have a smartphone? Are they investigating now like they were five hundred years ago?
Wrong and wrong. A photograph may capture the obvious perfectly, but as with good literature, one often has to be able to read between the lines to really and truly follow the plot.
"Got everything, Mister Kant?"
I put the last lines on the paper, look around again, try to feel more subtleties of the scenery, but that should be it.
"I think so, forensics can come and then they should take the body directly to pathology, we have to see who or what we're exactly dealing with here."
My colleague arranges everything while I tap "cafe" in my smartphone's search bar. Several results immediately pop up on the map, one very close by.
"Can we?"
Barres looks at me and gives a quick nod, then breaks away from the security guard and follows me down the street to the coffee shop on the corner. We step inside and find ourselves in a nostalgic diner, as they are said to have looked hundreds of years ago if the old movies are to be believed. Red benches upholstered in imitation leather, brushed stainless steel tables and lots of tin elements with various prints on the walls.
We sit down and immediately a lady in a yellow dress with an apron rushes to our table.
"What may I bring the gentlemen?"
Sean immediately grabs the card and starts leafing through it frantically.
"A double espresso, please. My colleague needs some more time."
The woman nods.
"A double espresso and then we'll see."
With that she walks back to the counter and begins to grind the coffee.
"Caffeine would probably be the best choice actually," Sean yawns, "What time is it anyway?"
I tap my smartphone with one finger.
"Few minutes to five."
Barres gives me a tired look.
"Then it'll probably be a French press and lots of eggs with bacon, lying down again doesn't really pay off anymore."